WOW! I had a really fun weekend staying home this week!! I received and invite to join an online crop and while I was a little skeptical how it would all work out I really had a lot of fun interacting with crafters from all over the world! This is the invite I received!
I was more then happy to participate but unsure how it would work. I logged into the chat room but unfortunately no one was there at the times I tried to "chat" so I did the next best thing and just chatted on the Facebook posts!
The first challenge was a BINGO Challenge - Sheree said using the following picture choose a line and use
those products on a page/project life weekly spread/ card or OTP
project... the line can go up/down, across or diagonal its up to you to
Okay this couldn't be too hard now could it...I chose tags, buttons, one photo, and 3 pattern papers!
Do do you think I nailed it with this page? When the tags are put back in the pocket it is only one photo! I put pictures of Chuck and I on one of the tags and then the lemon paper on the back of it...really cool looking! Unfortunately being an over achiever I couldn't just leave it at a one page spread I made a second 12x12 page to match it!
a view of the tags! |
I was really impressed how these pages turned out considering I had no idea what products or prompts I was going to be given to complete them. I really love the bright crisp colors of the purple, green and yellow! I think I will have to reformulate what colors I associate with summer now!
Okay! Challenge one done! On to challenge #2! Kerri is a friend I met on line a while back just because we love paper crafting. This is her challenge..its a colour challenge DARK BLUE LIGHT BLUE AND RED... Kerri said it didn't matter what you made just use the I made a card!
This is some of my most favorite print papers. Close to My Heart from several years ago! I am down to one 12x12" sheet and a few scraps. I think I am going to cry. I love dark blue, light blue and red together and don't think of them as 4th of July colors. |
Next on the agenda was a stash game where Sheree called off an item every so often and we were to gather it all up and take a picture of it to post when we got it done....
Done! Day One over and done and the only thing left to do was more scrapping and talking in the Chat room! Never could get logged in or nobody was there so I just kept on doing what I was doing!
Day Two
Didn't get out of bed till late...about 24 hours after the initial post of the challenge...sounds horrible doesn't it but remember the 17 hour time difference...{giggles}
The first challenge by Sarah was to create something out of your scrap or stash and use the letters to define what you did. Well now SCRAP or STASH? Interesting...
SCRAP it is!
had never much of anything with the Project Life cards and papers (but I bought the stuff to do so) so I
decided since people were posting a lot of Project Life I would try to do something
too...harder then I thought! I probably should have taken the classes when the store offered them! My word was S-mouch spray C-ards (Project
Life) R-hinestones A-utocollants (stickers) P-rima flowers. Again an
over achiever...did 3 12x12 pages.
Heather and her friends Jennifer and Wayne ran in the 5K Color Me RAD run in Oklahoma City on 8/23/2015 so when I woke up she and Jennifer had posted several pictures on Facebook so I snapped them up and used them to make these layouts using the photographs.
Color was really hard to get on these photographs and I apologize for it! I had a hard time photographing them because of the shine from the acetate sheets when the light got to bright so...I am taking what I can get!
I guess that the way these turned out are okay but I doubt I will every buy anymore Project Life cards because either the sheets didn't have slots going in the directions I wanted them to go or the cards weren't oriented or turned the way I wanted or were too big or too small!!
A favorite picture of Heather was the one in the third layout, upper left corner....
my beautiful daughter Heather! I am so proud of her and her achievements |
Second Challenge of the day was a layout/sketch challenge by Tanya. Tanya has started a challenge page on Facebook called
Little Shop of Sketches where each week she will have a new layout for us to try. Sounds like fun to me. Anyway here was the sketch she gave us to follow...
Doesn't look too hard so I gave it a go...
The paper is from KC&Co that I have had for a hundred years at least...remember those old blocks of paper you could by from the hobby craft stores. Well I got to digging through this stack and found the old ceiling tile paper and for some reason my mind jumped to this photo and this layout was born!
I didn't ever see a prompt about the BINGO game today so after this last layout was done I just logged off and went to watch TV! I had a great time cropping and having fun 'chatting' with the group online today. I look forward to doing this again!