WOW I totally missed out on WOYWW last week! Don't ask me how or why cause I really don't have an answer to that question just that it was Tuesday and I was thinking about doing my post and went outside to take some pictures of my garden and got totally sidetracked and when I next realized it was July 4th and so much going on I told myself I was just too late last week to post!!! So on to this week...I am going to work hard at staying focused and getting this published before I forget again. Go to
Stamping Ground and Julia will fill you in on the deet's about posting your desk each week...
My desks this week....
Main desk...sans cat...Don't know what happened cause Stormy Kitty never misses a photo shoot! |
staging desk...I am working on Summer of Color week 5 |
Finished Summer of Color 4 week 5 project!
The prompt this week was to use these colors:
Red, blue and light blue |
I was going to paint something but decided I was really liking paper arts this week so I made a journal page using some of the stash I have. I made the tags to stuff in the pocket that I can use to journal on or hey even just leave blank. I may take this idea and made a couple scrapbook pages for the grand daughters to scrap their 4th of July photos!
Paper and card from Close to My Heart, punch from Martha, the stencils etc are from the stash and not in packaging so I have no idea who their makers are!!!
Okay the rest of the post is very picture intensive but everyone has been asking about the garden...
Last week I didn't get the pictures of the garden taken before we harvested the cabbage but I got pictures after the fact...there were a total of 8 cabbages but we have already eaten 2 of the smaller ones. Coleslaw and fried cabbage are staples here in the south!
Lots of tomatoes and green beans last week also!
A mammoth Sunflower!!! The head is about the size of a large dinner plate and the leaves could be used as umbrellas! |
We harvested a lot of corn yesterday. I ended up with 7 bags of 4 ears to put in the freezer for winter nomming and there is probably more then that left to be picked!
Had Chuck to stop the harvesting long enough to get a picture... |
The corn harvest... to give you some idea of the size of the ears I stuck my finger in there...
Under the corn plants you can see a lot of vine...that is our two watermelon plants and a free start cantaloupe that I have no idea where it came from. Good serendipity though cause it has 2 melons on the vine!
The giant sunflower from last week. I think this plant got at least 14 feet tall before it drooped over. There are at least a couple pounds of sunflower kernel's to be had here! |
Decided to try growing different varieties of tomatoes this year. The green ones on the left grow huge! The birds seem to love to peck on these purple ones and they are a heritage tomato so they are subject to wilt and other issues we have in this heat!
Thought I would try some small yellow tomatoes and small red tomatoes that look like Roma's but much sweeter and juicier!
Yesterdays Harvest!!! |
thought I would leave you with this shot of the yard. We are spending a lot of time around the pool right now. The water temp is about 88f/32c but the outside heat is over 95f/36c most days...Ugh! Summer in Oklahoma.