We stopped for lunch at a neat little place in Tribune called The Chatterbox...I thought that the name was based on folks meeting up to have coffee and talk but in truth I think it was because of the waitress Patty, she is such a chatterbox!! I was kind of dragging behind Chuck when we got there and when I made it in the door it was to hear her telling him he was a mean person to have left me in the parking lot! Woman then went on non stop the whole time we were there. I don't think she has ever met a stranger and it didn't matter if she knew you or not everyone got the same grief from her. You could tell her homies loved her cause they gave it right back to her and didn't let her get by with anything. One man named Bill ordered a Patty Melt for lunch...why? Because he knew he would never get her to melt! Place is neat and clean so don't let the outside put you off. It is just west of Hwy 27 on Hwy 96.
After lunch we headed west into CO hoping that we might stumble on a storm... We stopped by Sand Creek Massacre National Historical Site. HORRIBLE story! Google it! I was so saddened by the whole story. The Army in 1864 marched in and gunned down an encampment of peaceful Indians that had pledged allegiance to the USA. There were 600 Cheyenne and Arapahoe there and over 1/4 were killed and most of those were women, children, and old folks.
They have set up a trail so you can walk to the top of the bluffs and view the original encampment. They have found some bones and artifact at the site and have set up a burial ground where they are buried and where any future finds will rest.
If you look at this photograph you can see that there is very little to hide behind here on the plains so the Indians were running away trying to make it to the creek in the distance so hide. The ranger told us most of the trees in that area date about 50+ years ago so there was nothing!
We went on to Eads, CO and visited a art gallery/gift shop there. The gallery was being manned by an older woman who was sitting with two men. The paintings were her daughters so we had a good time talking about daughters that were artists. The lady told us that she used to paint a lot with oils but has recently changed over to acrylics. Of her 4 daughters 3 are artists and do a lot of different crafts. One of the displays at the gallery were hand turned wood objects ie, bowls, pens, etc. The man who makes the bowls was at the gallery and we had a good time visiting with him. Needless to say we both came away with hand turned bowls. We really enjoyed visiting with the mother of the artists and the wood turner!
Tonight we are in Lamar CO at a Days Inn. The owners are east Indian and I found out that they own this hotel and the Holiday Inn next door. Guess hotel business is good in Lamar. Chuck just told me that it looks pretty good for a chase tomorrow and on Monday so I am going to finish this up and get some sleep! Hope I have some pictures to share tomorrow!
Thanks for catching us up, Momma! :)