We headed west to Sidney NE and stopped for lunch at the Perkins there. They are going to miss us when we stop chasing because that is the 3rd time we have been in there this week. Anyway after leaving there we headed west to Kimball NE and then stopped just north of town to wait out the storms.
Chuck had the Threatnet up and running and when the first echos of storms started going up down in CO we headed south to try and intercept one. The first storm was a pretty storm and we just knew that it was going to tornado but unfortunately it sucked in too much cold air from storms around it and eventually died.
This is the first picture I took of the northern storm. It looks like it has so much potential!
This storm had so much motion to it and it was constantly sucking scud up to the base that it was inevitable that someone was going to call it in as a tornado.
This my favorite of this storm!
This is the last picture of the 'northern' storm that I took before we headed south to intercept the storms coming out of Denver CO area.
The southern storm is a beautiful storm with lots of structure. It looked like it was cork screwing from the base up into the heavens! It seemed to know that we were there and it came right at us. Chuck spent about an hour doing time lapse on it and it will look awesome when it is animated.

These are a little dark but Chuck has promised to show me how to use the Graphic Converter program when we get home so that I can correct that issue!
I think I will go to bed. It has been a long night! I had just about finished writing this installment when I shut everything down and had to redo it. I saved it this time when I almost did it again. Will try to do better tomorrow!
Absolutely stunning! :) Just... wow.