I had a great time in California visiting with my daughter and her husband over the Christmas holidays. Unfortunately they were both sick with some kind of nasty cold and cough and were in and out of bed most of the time we were there.
We arrived in San Jose early in the morning and immediately went to lunch and later to a movie...Rogue One... Starwars!
Christmas Day found us sleeping in and in general just sitting around until dinner!
...and an awesome dinner it was! Heather did all the cooking and made gluten free everything so I could share in the bounty!
After dinner we opened packages and Chuck received an adult coloring book with Scandinavian designs and a set of Prisma pencils. He has already been coloring in the book...loves it!
You can barely see the grand dogs on the sofa in this picture but they are there. Leo was excited about the piece of fleece he was chewing on and didn't want to be bothered with my silly picture taking!
Michael took us on a tour of his office at Netflix but while there was a lot to see for some reason I don't have a lot of photos. I thought I had taken one of the sound proof boxes and the posh lunch room but...I guess I am thinking wrong. What was a favorite there? This vending machine that spit out all sorts of connectors, wires, etc that an electronics geek working at Netflix might need!
Another geeky trip was to the Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, CA! WOW! All you see all over the place is Apple buildings for a couple blocks. Michael got a new Apple watch and spent an evening happily learning all it could do. Doesn't take much to keep him happy!
Heather, Christine, and I made a trip to Santana Row (posh shops and eateries) in San Jose. We had tea at
Lisa's Tea Treasures. I was impressed at how close it came to actual British Tea! I had tea at
Fortnum and Mason in London a couple of times and while this isn't that it is quite similar! Hot sweet teas, sandwiches with the crusts cut off, a choice of salad sandwiches and cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches, and yummy deserts.

Heather and Christine looking over the menus. WOW! So many decisions.
The whole back of the menu is teas and related drinks.
A small brown Betty in a cozy for each of us! The wait staff wear black parlor dresses and ruffly aprons...serving Heather tea!
my gluten free tea! I had a salad with spinach, strawberries, and almonds with raspberry dressing for first course. Dessert was a raspberry and lemon sorbet...OMG! Never again will I try that dessert it was so lemony I was puckered up for hours! The sandwiches were chicken salad, egg salad, and cucumber! Can't get more British! ...and last but not least a currant(raisin) scone with Devonshire cream and jam!
Heather had am awesome mix of sandwiches and those little puff pastry things of sweet potato! I like the size of her muffin better then mine but getting a scone to take shape with gluten free is a feat in itself! The chocolate torte was very tasty...I only had a nibble at the chocolate!
Some pictures of the tea room!

It was a fun time in California for the second time this year. I suspect I will be going back again in the future too!
For those inquisitive people asking about the package and balls in the tea room widow...that is splunks decorations for Christmas.
splunk is a data company.