It has been quite sometime since I have posted anything here…it has been quite sometime since I have done any arts and craft stuff too. I keep buying the products and making the plans but somehow it never gets done.
Here is a picture of my crafty stash and desk today!
Definitely a mess! I keep piling stuff up and it keeps getting taller and taller till it finally slides over. I am planning on doing a major toss out soon…just have to get the energy to do it. I have stuff that I have never used from years gone by that I know I need to donate! ...but what if I need it? It can be overwhelming and then I just sit and stare! Same story different day. It will be done by the end of the summer…I promise.
My daughter gave me four of these awesome 2x4 Expedites from Ikea and a 2x2 when she moved to California last month. Heather said she just wouldn't have enough room in her new craft spot and I gratefully snapped them up. I have a lot of storage in my room right now but as you can see I can use some more. I think I want to do something with those Clip It's and store the bling and flowers by color in binders so they stay less dusty. Any one have any ideas how I could do that?
As you can tell by the desk picture I have my 12"x12" card stock stored in the Expedite at the back. The 3 drawer lateral file cabinet on the wall is literally full of 12"x 8 1/2" card stock from Stampin Up! I have way too much colored card stock but try to keep it organized and out of the light…It won't spoil so it will keep till I need it. I also have a lot of print paper that I keep in plastic 12"x12" storage containers. I am going to have to try and organize that also…I think I will go with the designations of girlie, boy, rustic, steampunk, floral etc…so much stuff.
Okay that was my desk! Drop by
Lunch Lady Jan's blog and visit other folks desks for some interesting ideas and insights for WOYWW. I am going to show some photos from around the yard now…
Corn harvest is over this year…this is an 8'x8' bed and it yielded 60 ears of corn…I picked it all and blanched them in the husks and put them in the freezer with the husks intact. It turns out it keeps it fresher and less freezer burn.

Pulled up the last of the onions last week. There are a lot of medium size red and yellow onions and several good-sized ones. I laid them out on the deck and washed them and let them dry.
Chuck dug up all the Yukon yellow gold potatoes before he left for Austria in June. |
My little place of peace out on my deck…now it is a place of peace! Last week I was chasing people out of my yard and responding to fence walkers demanding I unlock the gate to the 'community pool' I have since put up signs stating it is private property and no trespassing allowed. I don't know where people come up with the idea that just because it borders a park it is part of the park. I actually had one guy argue that he had received a notification from the homeowners association that there was a pool available. Oh well I said…go take it up with the homeowners association.

We had to have a new pool liner put in the pool this year due to wear and tear on the old one. Happens just about every 8 years or so. It always gets discolored and last year it started wrinkling and floating up!
I love tropical flowers…Hibicus is a favorite! |
walk to the pool... |
I really like this new pool liner. I have been in a couple times now and the water feels like silk!
view from my deck chair! |
looking back from the diving board. |
looking along the fence line to the garden. |
I guess I could see why they would think it was an open pool…but does that look like a community center? |
I will leave you with a couple pictures of produce from my garden!
a rose... |
I canned 7 pt and 4 quarts of green beans in the past couple weeks off my small patch of green beans. I am very pleased. Also pulled up the rest of the beets and managed to get a quart and a pint of pickled beet! Fun times in the garden!
Okay I am off to see what kind of trouble I can get into around town. Have a doctors appointment in an hour so better get to it. Have a great week!