Do you like receiving personal, hand-written cards and letters?
Do you find it difficult to stay in touch with people because of your busy life?
The Etsy Greeting Team has come up with a fabulous way to keep in touch with your friends and loved ones in an intentional way....with 52 Weeks of Mail:
52 Weeks of Mail is designed to encourage people to commit to sending at LEAST one card or letter a week, for the next year! 52 Weeks of Mail starts on October 9th, 2011 and goes through October 7th, 2012. We are asking that you commit to doing this, and sticking with it!
Please feel free to blog about this, Tweet about it, post it on Facebook, and just spread the word as far as you can! We have a Facebook page, and we are trying to get 1000 likes by the end of September. Please help us reach this goal by letting your friends know about 52 Weeks of Mail.
If you are looking for some beautiful handmade cards to send, please visit Etsy and check out the abundance of offerings from the EtsyGreetingsTeam!
I can remember when I was younger I used to wait for the postman to come and I would run to the mail box in hopes that someone cared enough to send me a letter or a card. I know now days that we tend to email or text message and I hear a lot more from people I know and care about but I still like to get mail in my mailbox. I am committing to one card a week for the next 52 weeks. Send me your address at okienurse@gmail.com and I will send you a card sometime in the next 52 weeks if you would like to get mail in your mailbox that is fun and not a bill or advertisement!
Hi there, fellow Okie!
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