I am in the planning and doing stage of rearranging my crafting/art studio here at home. About a year ago it became evident that the room I am in was beginning to be stretched to the limits and I could do one of two things...I could get rid of some of the 'stuff' in the room or I could move into the bigger spare bedroom. I need I say that I was not in favor of getting rid of any of my 'stuffs' especially the crafting/art goodies that I have in there cause everything has a reason and a purpose in what I do. I also needed a bigger desk and more room for the die cutting not to mention space for friends when they came to play with my 'stuffs' so moving to the bigger room was the only option I could see working for me.
I am going to take you on a walk around of my room but keep an open mind cause it hasn't always been this stacked up and has become this way over the past couple months as I started collecting new storage and putting it into use. I really like the way it is starting to develop because I know what is in each box/bag/drawer which I didn't know before and I would buy an item again cause I didn't know I had whatever it was. I just need the space to spread out and organize the goodies.
Here is the first thing you see when you come to the door of the room. Not a pretty sight so if you get squeamish you should close your eyes now! Sorry about the quality of the photos but it is almost 11pm and the over head light is definitely glaring!
standing at the door you see the north wall of the room. There is a futon in there that I don't want to give up cause I need it for a guest bed when the kids and grand kids come to visit! Either side of the futon are oak cabinets that I have been using to store craft supplies but don't plan on taking into the new studio. See the rolling cart there in front? There are two of those that hold my paper boxes. The metal carts are $19.99 each and the cubes behind it I found for a bargain deal of $14.99 for the black ones and $18 for the white ones. |
Now you can see the futon...barely and the cabinet to the right |
the cabinet to the left of the futon. The white and black boxes are part of the new modular storage cubes that I bought for the new craft room. The suit cases will sit on top of that when I am in the new room! |
As you enter the room and look to the right you see my desk that I use now. Those of you on
WOYWW will recognize it from a lot of previous postings. My desk is actually 2-three drawer file cabinets that I already store my 81/2" x 11" card stock in so it is out of the light and doesn't fade.
The top is a 2' x 4' plank that just isn't big enough for what I am doing now days and I need a bigger workspace. I am a visual person and the stuff I use the most is the stuff I can see and access readily. I love my ribbon being out so I can get to it but the spools on the rod run out and when they do I have to take each and every roll off to get the empty on off. I need another way to store the spools. |
Another view of the desk wall. There is a black 12 drawer cabinet that holds a lot of my punches, color pencils, water color crayons, some paints, and the staples that I need close at hand. |
On the east wall is a paper rack that holds my Stampin'Up! and Close to My Heart designer papers. the little cart between the black cabinet and the paper rack holds my Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous stamps.
On the wall with the paper rack is a closet that isn't such a good deal. A lot of space is lost due to the opening being smaller then the actual closet and accessibility being limited. I have purchased a lot of canvases and chipboard 'stuff' that I found on sale the past couple years and I use it and replace as it comes on sale or I find it cheaper. Okay so that was 3 walls, the closet wall, the desk wall, and the futon wall. The last wall is the shocker so if you have made it this far you might not make it past this spot. I first want to show that there is really a futon here. There is also a coffee table in front of the futon that is holding boxes of stuff for the move.
I keep the futon pretty cleared off for the kitties! One sleeps in the divoted back and the other on the seat and God knows I can't go in the room without one or both in there with me. |
With these two pictures you can see how the futon wall links up with the last wall I want to show you. This wall has a layer or two of storage on it. There is a cube system in the back and then the new cubes I bought to link up with it. I really don't care if the colors match up but may paper the set at some later date. The old cube system is black brown, the new cubes are white and black. The tall bookshelf holds my unmounted stamp
The tall metal carts are shelves that currently hold 12" x 12" boxes of paper organized by manufacturer. I am thinking about changing the storage organization to the theme and/or color of the papers someday. |
This is my cutting station right now. I have plans for a better way in
the new room and will probably use the cart elsewhere. Bottom shelf is
Spellbinders and similar small dies and letter press plates in the
green box. Middle shelf houses the embossing folders on the left and
metal trays hold my mover and shaper dies on the right. Top speaks for
itself with the Cricut and Vagabond. Can't live without either one. |
Here is a plan for the new room.
I bought a 6' x 6' corner desk to go in the corner by the window so I will be able to have some natural light part of the day when work. I gave a friend $40 for the desk and it is in perfect shape! I have tried to lay out the different components to get an idea of how much space I will actually have to use. I made a trip to IKEA in Dallas with my daughter and we both bought some Expedit shelving units to use in our craft rooms.
Heather bought the big guy with 25 storage cubes but I bought two
smaller ones that I plan to stack. I am going to lay the 2x4 on its
side and put the 2x2 on the top and make a cutting desk for the Cricut
and Vagabond on it. With it stacked like that it almost lines up with the cube system I have had for so long.
The 2x4 was $59 and the 2x2 was $39 the day we were down there shopping. Heather bought doors and drawers to fit in hers but I have some baskets and boxes I am going to use in mine.
So money outlay so far comes up to :
Large Expedit $59.00
small expedit $39.00
Metal Carts $39.98
Desk $40.00
Black Cubes $29.99
white cubes $36.00
Total today $243.97
I can't think of much else I will need to buy furniture or otherwise for the new room. I bought these items over the past 5 months so there was no pain or loss of money from the budget to buy them.
I like the fact that there is plenty of floor space
to set up a card table for friends when they come over or if I just
need more space. Okay that's it for this post! Stay tuned for the makeover.